Shipping and Returns
Returns & Exchange
At ITDG we want you to have a premium experience and as such we operate a 30-day returns policy.
If you aren’t happy with the fit or the quality of your clothing item; or the item is defective we will happily exchange or refund your purchase as long as the item has not been used in anyway.
If you have any issues please contact us on:
In the email please state your order number and reason for refund/ exchange.
After you have received confirmation from our support line send back the item and details of the order in a clearly marked package to this address we provide.
There is no penalty for a return, if the item is defective or if you would like an exchange however you will be required to post the items back. As a small business unless the items are defective we are unable to refund postage costs, this may also mean you being charged shipping when shipping was free.
Items are not refunded until returned and processed.
At ITDG we want you to have a premium experience and as such we operate a 30-day returns policy.
If you aren’t happy with the fit or the quality of your clothing item; or the item is defective we will happily exchange or refund your purchase as long as the item has not been used in anyway.
If you have any issues please contact us on:
In the email please state your order number and reason for refund/ exchange.
After you have received confirmation from our support line send back the item and details of the order in a clearly marked package to this address we provide.
There is no penalty for a return, if the item is defective or if you would like an exchange however you will be required to post the items back. As a small business unless the items are defective we are unable to refund postage costs, this may also mean you being charged shipping when shipping was free.
Items are not refunded until returned and processed.
As soon as we receive the item we will send you email confirmation of receipt and refund or send out the exchange.
It is the purchasers responsibility to ensure that the shipping address is correct. If an address is input the wrong we may not be able to recover items and or give a refund for lost items in this case.
Thank you for your support
Thank you for your support
Contact us
If your query relates to a delivery please read FAQs first.